Cascade Warbirds Squadron #2


Minutes of the Meeting of the Membership

10 February 2007, Museum of Flight, Seattle


The XO called the meeting to order at 1015 hours.  There were approximately 31 members and guests in attendance.


·         New members and guests were introduced.

·         Curt handed out the balance of the EAA Chapter Service Awards

·         Items of general interest were noted, to wit:

·         We are targeting 17 March for rust-removal flight training in Bellingham,

·         The Museum of Flight would like us to schedule CWB Day during the B-17 visit,

·         Oshkosh rooms are still available; contact Dave Desmon

·         The Kelso Fly-In will be held 3-5 August; and other schedule dates were mentioned,

·         It appears the Squadron will be attending Arlington this year,

·         The EAA B-17 will be in Seattle 23 - 28 May.  It is our biggest fundraiser of the year and Warren Nadeau, our Tour Stop Coordinator, can use your volunteer help with myriad tasks.  Contact Warren at 360.697.2583 or if you're willing to help.

·         A donation by Jack Allen of a 1:18-scale model TBF-1 was auctioned off; $45 was raised.


·         Carter Teeters, in the "Know Your Warbirds" segment, presented the FM-2 (F4F).  The talk was well received and the many questions afterwards confirmed the members' interest in this very exciting airplane. 


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:20 and members broke for lunch.


For the Squadron




Fred C. Smyth
Adjutant/Finance Officer